Rovers Rangers is an important wing of Bharat Scouts and Guides. It is a voluntary, non- political, educational movement for students. Activities undertaken by the Rovers& Rangers are primarily based on community development. The unit work towards increasing awareness among the masses regarding health and hygiene, human rights, women education, women empowerment etc. Ralies to protect the environment are often organised. Students march holding placards that bear thought- provoking slogans to draw attention of the people to various social issues. The college has started a unit of this organisation in 2019 with – students. Membership can be obtained by------. The main activities of the unit are:
1. Conducting training camps for member students.
2. Cleaning of the campus.
3. Celebrating important days like Independence Day, Founder’s day and Martyrs’ Day.
4. Spreading voter awareness, awareness about female foeticide, about AIDS, corruption, global warming etc.
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